History and roots of this group of enterprises go back to the time of the Late Bali Ram Lahkar, a textile engineering graduate from The Govt. Institute of Hosiery & Knitting Technology, Ludhiana, Punjab in 1938.
He served the Government of Assam for ten years before embarking upon his entrepreneurial journey by setting up a cotton vest manufacturing unit at Tezpur in 1949. Taking inspiration from him, his three sons started their own entrepreneurship career, setting forth new business ventures in various fields since 1979.
As of now, most of our projects are related to the food industry. They are in Wheat Milling, Bakery, Specialty Restaurants, Tea Plantation, Aromatic Oil distillation & Cultivation, Fruits Ripening Chambers and dealer of IOC (ASSAM OIL DIV)Ltd . All organized in closely held family private limited Companies, partnership firms or proprietary. At present our enterprises are located at Tezpur, Guwahati and Jorhat.
In a period of over thirty years we established the following brands at Tezpur and Guwahati: